Pigs - SanaVit E500

Reduction of Vitamin Costs

SanaVit E500 reduce vitamin cost and stimulates performance

One of the important functions of vitamin E in animal feed is its function as anti-oxidant for the metabolism of animals. Certainly in periods of stress, the metabolism of animals creates free radicals that can attack cells and their structures. Metabolic antioxidants prevent such free radicals from their negative impact on cell structures and their metabolism.

Not only vitamin E, but also other natural compounds, such as specific polyphenols are known to contain efficient metabolic antioxidant functions. SanaVit E500 is a formulation of such natural polyphenols. SanaVit E500 has shown in trials to be able to reduce diet cost in combination with improved performance. 

Stress (such as heat stress, weaning, density etc. ) generally leads to metabolic stress and formation of free radicals. This is a reason why higher Vitamin E levels are often applied. Metabolic antioxidants must capture the free radicals to prevent metabolic oxidation and the damage of important cells and their functions.

SanaVit E500 is an excellent natural metabolic anti-oxidant and can therefore reduce oxidative stress. The elimination of oxidative stress leads to improved animal performance. Sanavit E500 is therefore an alternative to elevated Vitamin E levels in animal feeds and reduces feed costs.

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